Monday, January 18, 2010

Infected Mouth Sore How Common Is HSV-1 Herpes (the One With Mouth Sores)?

How common is HSV-1 herpes (the one with mouth sores)? - infected mouth sore

I heard that it very often. I also heard if you will a mouth or lip herpes infected by the virus and technical support that you have herpes have tru or not?


Marry said...

The fires are caused by a virus as herpes simplex or HSV I. Herpes is a viral infection, most commonly in the world. The medical term for the specific virus that causes cold sores, herpes simplex. Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1), also known as herpes labialis, cold sores, herpes labialis or lip herpes. Once infected with herpes, the virus remains in the body in a latent (dormant) state. While a person's life the virus can "activate" a recurrence of herpes labialis caused.

Whizzy said...

HSV1 herpes simplex virus 1 is cold sores and is very common. Over 80% of the population suffer. Most of a parent who gets kissed while they were young. As HSV2, HSV-1 is transmitted by skin contact and can spread to the genitals during oral sex.

Caution is advised when an outbreak especially when they are present. Herpes can be shed by asymptomatic, even if no case exists, to be distributed. Many there be no more likely that the other partner already. Not all HIV-1 or 2 flats.

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